


Vietnam School on Neutrinos 2022 (VSoN2022)
日程2022年7月10日(日) ~7月22日(木)
場所ICISE center, Quy Nhon, Vietnam
その他 The purpose of the school is to train and attract generations of students to follow neutrino physics, especially neutrino experimental physics. With the aim of training students to work on the field of neutrino experimental physics from the beginning, the program of the school will contain a set of introductory lectures covering theoretical backgrounds of neutrino physics and neutrino phenomenology. Other lectures will introduce neutrino experiments and (basic/most used) methods of observing and detecting neutrinos as well as demonstrate calculating neutrino parameters, in particular, tools and methods of analysis used in neutrino experiments will be introduced with an idea of giving chances to students to deal with specific problems. Finally, more advanced lectures will be devoted to modern methods and new developments of neutrino physics in both theoretical and experimental aspects. The school will select 20-25 students mainly from Vietnam with few from Japan and other Asia countries.


Vietnam School on Neutrinos 2021 (VSoN2021)
日程2021年8月29日(日) ~9月9日(木)
場所ICISE center, Quy Nhon, Vietnam
その他 The purpose of the school is to train and attract generations of students to follow neutrino physics, especially neutrino experimental physics. With the aim of training students to work on the field of neutrino experimental physics from the beginning, the program of the school will contain a set of introductory lectures covering theoretical backgrounds of neutrino physics and neutrino phenomenology. Other lectures will introduce neutrino experiments and (basic/most used) methods of observing and detecting neutrinos as well as demonstrate calculating neutrino parameters, in particular, tools and methods of analysis used in neutrino experiments will be introduced with an idea of giving chances to students to deal with specific problems. Finally, more advanced lectures will be devoted to modern methods and new developments of neutrino physics in both theoretical and experimental aspects. The school will select 20-25 students mainly from Vietnam with few from Japan and other Asia countries.


日程2021年7月30日(金) 13:30~17:30
その他 新学術領域「ニュートリノで拓く素粒子と宇宙」では、ニュートリノを基軸に、素粒子、原子核、宇宙線、宇宙にわたる様々な未解明の現象に迫ることで21世紀の「新しい素粒子・宇宙像」を確立することを目指しています。


Vietnam School on Neutrinos 2020 (VSoN2020)
日程2020年12月7日(月) ~12月18日(金)
場所ICISE center, Quy Nhon, Vietnam
その他 The purpose of the school is to train and attract generations of students to follow neutrino physics, especially neutrino experimental physics. With the aim of training students to work on the field of neutrino experimental physics from the beginning, the program of the school will contain a set of introductory lectures covering theoretical backgrounds of neutrino physics and neutrino phenomenology. Other lectures will introduce neutrino experiments and (basic/most used) methods of observing and detecting neutrinos as well as demonstrate calculating neutrino parameters, in particular, tools and methods of analysis used in neutrino experiments will be introduced with an idea of giving chances to students to deal with specific problems. Finally, more advanced lectures will be devoted to modern methods and new developments of neutrino physics in both theoretical and experimental aspects. The school will select 20-25 students mainly from Vietnam with few from Japan and other Asia countries.


Vietnam School on Neutrinos 2019 (VSoN2019)
日程2019年7月7日(日) ~7月19日(金)
場所ICISE center, Quy Nhon, Vietnam
その他 The purpose of the school is to train and attract generations of students to follow neutrino physics, especially neutrino experimental physics. With the aim of training students to work on the field of neutrino experimental physics from the beginning, the program of the school will contain a set of introductory lectures covering theoretical backgrounds of neutrino physics and neutrino phenomenology. Other lectures will introduce neutrino experiments and (basic/most used) methods of observing and detecting neutrinos as well as demonstrate calculating neutrino parameters, in particular, tools and methods of analysis used in neutrino experiments will be introduced with an idea of giving chances to students to deal with specific problems. Finally, more advanced lectures will be devoted to modern methods and new developments of neutrino physics in both theoretical and experimental aspects. The school will select 20-25 students mainly from Vietnam with few from Japan and other Asia countries.


日程2019年6月11日(火) 10:00~
場所名古屋大学 ES館 ES635
その他 本会は新学術領域「ニュートリノで拓く素粒子と宇宙」に関わる若手研究者によって企画され、 広い意味でのニュートリノ研究に携わるPD・学生を中心とする若手研究者による研究会を通じ、大学間・研究グループ間の交流を図りつつ、幅広く知識を得て今後の研究に生かしていくことを目的としています。



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