Foundation for High Energy Accelerator Science 2021 Koshiba Prize
Dr. M. Nakamura, Dr. T. Nakano

Dr. M. Nakamura and Dr. T. Nakano (Nagoya University) received the Foundation for High Energy Accelerator Science 2021 Koshiba Prize.

Dr. A. Hiramoto(Okayama University) received the 23th High Energy Physics Award of the Japan Association of High Energy Physicists and 16th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan.

Dr. K. Niwa(Nagoya University) received the 2022 Panofsky Prize of The American Physical Society. [link]

Mr. M. Tani (Kyoto University) recieved the 11th KEK Detector Technology Project best master's thesis Award.

Mr. T. Otsuka (Kyoto University) recieved the 11th KEK Detector Technology Project best master's thesis Award.

Dr. T. Ariga(Kyusyu University) received the Young Scientists’ Award of The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Dr. K. Niwa(Nagoya University) received the 2020 Pontecorvo Prize.

IceCube Collaboration received the 2021 Bruno Rossi Prize.

Mr. Y. Ashida(Kyoto University) received the 22th High Energy Physics Award of the Japan Association of High Energy Physicists and 15th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan.

Dr. A. Ichikawa(Kyoto University) received the 40th Saruhashi Prize.

Mr. T. Ikemitsu (Kyoto University) recieved the 10th KEK Detector Technology Project best master's thesis Award.

Dr. S. Yoshida and Dr. A. Ishihara(Chiba University) recieved the 2019 Nishina Memorial Prize.

Mr. K. Nakamura(Kyoto University) received the 21th High Energy Physics Award of the Japan Association of High Energy Physicists and 14th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan.

Dr. A. Ishihara (Chiba University) received the 25th Yomiuri Techno Forum Gold Medal Prize.

Dr. N. Yamatsu (Hokkaido University) recieved the 13th Seitaro Nakamura Prize.

Mr. M. Yoshida (Kyoto University) recieved the 8th KEK Detector Technology Project best master's thesis Award.