The main purposes of this project are:
- to investigate unknown properties of “neutrinos”;
- to establish a new picture of nature through neutrino research;
- to approach the origin of elementary particles, the universe and the space-time.
We aim to reveal the nature of neutrinos by experimental studies, observation of nature using neutrinos, and theoretical studies.

What's new
- 2018-01-15
The international workshop of Unification and Development of the neutrino Science Frontier will be held at Kyoto University on 5-6 March 2018. [Link]
- 2017-09-24
Dr. A. Ishihara (Chiba University) received the WIRED Audi INNOVATION AWARD 2017.
- 2017-08-04
T2K presented the newest results of the neutrino oscillation measurements. [Link]
- 2017-08-01
Hyper-Kamiokande was selected in MEXT ROADMAP 2017 for large scientific research projects. [Link]
- 2017-07-20
Prof. Tsuyoshi Nakaya (Kyoto University), Prof. Makoto Miura (ICRR, University of Tokyo) and Prof. Atsumu Suzuki (Kobe University) attended the opening ceremony & MoU signing at Institute For Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Education (IFIRSE) in Vietnam. [Link]
- 2017-06-06
Introduction video of T2K Experiment is released. [Link]