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start:kyotoatlaspresentations [2024/03/21 15:56]
start:kyotoatlaspresentations [2024/03/21 23:05]
行 8: 行 8:
 ^  date  ^  name  ^  conference  ^  place  ^  Title  ^  Link  ^ ^  date  ^  name  ^  conference  ^  place  ^  Title  ^  Link  ^
 |  @yellow: **FY2023**  |||||| |  @yellow: **FY2023**  ||||||
 +|  24.03.19  |  中川  | 日本物理学会2024年春季大会 [[https://onsite.gakkai-web.net/jps/jps_search/2024sp/index.html | プログラム]] | オンライン | 高輝度LHC-ATLAS実験に向けた初段ミューオントリガーのソフトウェアシミュレーターを用いた性能の精密検証と改善可能性の検討 | [[https://indico.cern.ch/event/1380654/contributions/5802762/attachments/2818582/4926813/JPS_nakagawa_vol10.pdf | URL ]] |
 |  24.01.09  |  佐野  | ML at HEP workshop [[https://conference-indico.kek.jp/event/253/timetable/ | プログラム]] | KEK | Model-independence of machine-learning-based mass reconstruction for inclusive multi-jet search | [[https://conference-indico.kek.jp/event/253/contributions/4909/attachments/3302/4511/tsano_slides_model-indep_v2.pdf | URL ]] | |  24.01.09  |  佐野  | ML at HEP workshop [[https://conference-indico.kek.jp/event/253/timetable/ | プログラム]] | KEK | Model-independence of machine-learning-based mass reconstruction for inclusive multi-jet search | [[https://conference-indico.kek.jp/event/253/contributions/4909/attachments/3302/4511/tsano_slides_model-indep_v2.pdf | URL ]] |
 |  23.10.03  |  河本  | TWEPP2023 [[https://indico.cern.ch/event/1255624/ | プログラム]] | Geremeas, Sardinia, Italy | Upgrade of the ATLAS Level-0 TGC Endcap Muon Trigger | [[https://indico.cern.ch/event/1255624/contributions/5445386/attachments/2725639/4736936/TWEPP2023kawamoto_v5.pdf | URL ]] | |  23.10.03  |  河本  | TWEPP2023 [[https://indico.cern.ch/event/1255624/ | プログラム]] | Geremeas, Sardinia, Italy | Upgrade of the ATLAS Level-0 TGC Endcap Muon Trigger | [[https://indico.cern.ch/event/1255624/contributions/5445386/attachments/2725639/4736936/TWEPP2023kawamoto_v5.pdf | URL ]] |
start/kyotoatlaspresentations.txt · 最終更新: 2024/03/25 06:38 by kyotoatlas
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