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presentation:2022 [2023/03/30 12:19]
neutrino [日本物理学会 (JPS meeting)]
presentation:2022 [2023/03/30 12:19]
neutrino [国際学会・研究会など (International Conference/Workshop/Seminar/School)]
行 22: 行 22:
   * [color=red][b] Joint Pre-Supernova Monitor with Super-Kamiokande and KamLAND[/b][/color], \\ Z. Hu, Poster\\ [[https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/28466/|International Conference on the Physics of the Two Infinities]],\\ 2023/03/27-28, Kyoto university, Kyoto, Japan   * [color=red][b] Joint Pre-Supernova Monitor with Super-Kamiokande and KamLAND[/b][/color], \\ Z. Hu, Poster\\ [[https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/28466/|International Conference on the Physics of the Two Infinities]],\\ 2023/03/27-28, Kyoto university, Kyoto, Japan
   *  [color=red][b] Development of ionization electron readout system in AXEL experiment[/b][/color], \\ J. Hikida, Poster\\ [[https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/28466/|International Conference on the Physics of the Two Infinities]],\\ 2023/03/27-28, Kyoto university, Kyoto, Japan   *  [color=red][b] Development of ionization electron readout system in AXEL experiment[/b][/color], \\ J. Hikida, Poster\\ [[https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/28466/|International Conference on the Physics of the Two Infinities]],\\ 2023/03/27-28, Kyoto university, Kyoto, Japan
presentation/2022.txt · 最終更新: 2023/05/11 09:50 by neutrino