
  1. Measurements of Tropospheric Ice Clouds with a Ground-based CMB Polarization Experiment, POLARBEAR.
  2. By S. Takakura et al.
    The Astrophysical Journal (2019 January)

  3. The Simons Observatory: Science goals and forecasts.
  4. By The Simons Observatory Collaboration, Y. Chinone, A. Kusaka, S. Takakura, O. Tajima et. al.
    JCAP 1902 (2019) 056 (2019 February)

  5. Detector and Readout Assembly and Characterization for the Simons Array.
  6. By T. Elleflot, ..., A. Kusaka et al.
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics (2018 December)

  7. The POLARBEAR-2 and Simons Array Focal Plane Fabrication Status.
  8. By B. Westbrook, ..., Y. Chinone, A. Kusaka, F. Matsuda, O. TajimaS. Takakura, et. al.
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics (2018 December)

  9. A Large-Diameter Cryogenic Rotation Stage for Half-Wave Plate Polarization Modulation on the POLARBEAR-2 Experiment.
  10. By C. A. Hill, A. Kusaka, F. T. Matsuda, Y. Sakurai, et. al.
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics (2018 May)

  1. Measurements of Tropospheric Ice Clouds with a Ground-based CMB Polarization Experiment, POLARBEAR.
  2. The Astrophysical Journal
    S. Takakura et al. (2019 January)

  3. The Simons Observatory: Science goals and forecasts.
  4. JCAP 1902 (2019) 056
    The Simons Observatory Collaboration, Y. Chinone, A. Kusaka, S. Takakura, O. Tajima et. al. (2019 February)

  5. Detector and Readout Assembly and Characterization for the Simons Array.
  6. Journal of Low Temperature Physics
    T. Elleflot, ..., A. Kusaka et al. (2018 December)

  7. The POLARBEAR-2 and Simons Array Focal Plane Fabrication Status.
  8. Journal of Low Temperature Physics
    B. Westbrook, ..., Y. Chinone, A. Kusaka, F. Matsuda, O. TajimaS. Takakura, et. al. (2018 December)

  9. A Large-Diameter Cryogenic Rotation Stage for Half-Wave Plate Polarization Modulation on the POLARBEAR-2 Experiment.
  10. Journal of Low Temperature Physics
    C. A. Hill, A. Kusaka, F. T. Matsuda, Y. Sakurai, et. al. (2018 May)

  11. Ongoing Data Analyses at Polarbear and Prospects of Simons Array.
  12. FY2018 Symposium Conference for ""Cosmic Acceleration"" Research Grant program
    Yuji Chinone (2019/03/03, Kyoto University)

  13. CMB Activities @ Berkeley: Data Analysis, Systematic Study, and Hardware Deployment of POLARBEAR, Simons Array, and Simons Observatory.
  14. Accurate lensing in the era of precision Cosmology
    Yuji Chinone (2019/01/16, UC Berkeley)

  1. 宇宙マイクロ波背景放射観測実験のための金属ワイヤーを用いたアンテナ角度較正装置の開発.
  2. 日本物理学会 第74回年次大会
    阿部倫史、安達俊介、田島治 (2019/03/17, 九州大学)

  3. CMB偏光観測実験POLARBEARの最新結果とSimons Arrayパイプライン開発の進捗.
  4. 日本天文学会 2019年春季年会
    茅根裕司 (2019/03/14, 法政大学)

  5. POLARBEARによる原始重力波起源Bモード解析の現状とSimons Arrayパイプライン開発の進捗.
  6. 日本天文学会 2018年秋季年会
    茅根裕司 (2018/09/19, 兵庫県立大学)

  7. POLARBEAR実験による原始重力波起源Bモード偏光観測・解析の現状と将来計画.
  8. 日本物理学会 2018年秋季大会
    茅根裕司、他POLARBEAR Collaboration (2018/09/16, 信州大学)

  9. CMB 偏光観測実験 POLARBEAR-2の開発状況.
  10. 日本天文学会 2018年秋季年会
    金子大輔、他POLARBEAR Collaboration (2018/09/21, 兵庫県立大学)

  11. POLARBEAR-2用較正光源スティミュレーターの開発と望遠鏡への組み込み.
  12. 日本物理学会 第74回年次大会
    金子大輔、他POLARBEAR Collaboration (2019/03/17, 九州大学)

  13. ニュートリノ質量和測定・TeV を超える物理の探索を実現する次世代CMB 観測.
  14. 日本物理学会 第74回年次大会
    日下暁人 (2019/03/15, 九州大学)