List of all KUIP System Functions. *** KUIP System Functions *** The function name (and arguments) is literally replaced, at run-time, by its current value. At present, the following functions are available: $DATE ....................... Current date in format DD/MM/YY $TIME ....................... Current time in format HH.MM.SS $CPTIME ..................... CP time elapsed since last call (in sec) $RTIME ...................... Real time elapsed since last call (in sec) $VDIM(VNAME,IDIM) ........... Physical length of vector VNAME on dimension IDIM (1..3) $VLEN(VNAME,IDIM) ........... As above, but for the logical length (i.e. stripping trailing zeroes) $NUMVEC ..................... Current number of vectors $VEXIST(VNAME) .............. Index of vector VNAME (1..$NUMVEC or 0 if VNAME does not exist) $SUBSTRING(STRING,IX,NCH) ... STRING(IX:IX+NCH-1) $UPPER(STRING) .............. STRING changed to upper case $LOWER(STRING) .............. STRING changed to lower case $LEN(STRING) ................ Length of STRING $INDEX(STR1,STR2) ........... Position of first occurrence of STR2 in STR1 $WORDS(STRING,SEP) .......... Number of words separated by SEP $WORD(STRING,K,N,SEP) ....... Extract N words starting at word K $QUOTE(STRING) .............. Add quotes around STRING $UNQUOTE(STRING) ............ Remove quotes around STRING $EXEC('macro args') ......... EXITM value of EXEC call $DEFINED('var_name') ........ List of defined macro variables $EVAL(Expression) ........... Result of the Expression computed by KUIP $SIGMA(Expression) .......... Result of the Expression computed by SIGMA $RSIGMA(Expression) .......... As above but a decimal point is added to integer results $FORMAT(number,format) ...... Format a number according to a Fortran format string, e.g. $FORMAT(1.5,F5.2) ==> ' 1.50' $FORMAT(123,I5.5) ==> '00123' $ARGS ....................... Command line at program invocation $KEYNUM ..................... Address of latest clicked key in style GP $KEYVAL ..................... Value of latest clicked key in style GP $LAST ....................... Latest command line executed $ANUM ....................... Number of aliases $ANAM(I) .................... Name of I-th alias $AVAL(I) .................... Value of I-th alias $STYLE ...................... Current style as defined by SET/STYLE $OS ......................... Operating system name, e.g. UNIX or VMS $MACHINE .................... Hardware or Unix brand, e.g. VAX or HPUX $PID ........................ Process ID $IQUEST(I) .................. Value of IQUEST(I) status vector $ENV(var) ................... Value of environment variable $FEXIST(file) ............... 1 if file exists or 0 otherwise $SHELL(cmd,N) ............... N'th line of shell command output (Unix only) $SHELL(cmd,sep) ............. Shell output with newlines replaced by sep $SHELL(cmd) ................. Same as $SHELL(cmd,' ') $CALL('fun(args)') .......... Call a Fortran REAL FUNCTION $ICALL('ifun(args)') ........ Call an INTEGER FUNCTION $LCALL('lfun(args)') ........ Call a LOGICAL FUNCTION and return 0 or 1 $DCALL('dfun(args)') ........ Call a DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION $HCDIR() .................... Current Hbook working directory $HEXIST(id) ................. 1 if histogram ID exists or 0 otherwise $HINFO(id,'1DHISTO') ........ 1 if ID is a 1D histogram or 0 otherwise $HINFO(id,'2DHISTO') ........ 1 if ID is a 2D histogram or 0 otherwise $HINFO(id,'TABLE') .......... 1 if ID is a table or 0 otherwise $HINFO(id,'PROFILE') ........ 1 if ID is a profile histogram or 0 otherwise $HINFO(id,'NTUPLE') ......... 1 if ID is a Ntuple or 0 otherwise $HINFO(id,'LOG') ............ 1 if ID has LOG Y scale or 0 otherwise $HINFO(id,'ENTRIES') ........ Number of entries $HINFO(id,'MEAN') ........... Mean value $HINFO(id,'RMS') ............ Standard deviation $HINFO(id,'EVENTS') ......... Number of equivalent events $HINFO(id,'OVERFLOW') ....... Content of overflow channel $HINFO(id,'UNDERFLOW') ...... Content of underflow channel $HINFO(id,'MIN') ............ Minimum bin content $HINFO(id,'MAX') ............ Maximum bin content $HINFO(id,'SUM') ............ Total histogram content $HINFO(id,'NSLIX') .......... Number of X slices $HINFO(id,'NSLIY') .......... Number of Y slices $HINFO(id,'NBANX') .......... Number of X bandes $HINFO(id,'NBANY') .......... Number of Y bandes $HINFO(id,'NPROX') .......... Projection X (0 or 1) $HINFO(id,'NPROY') .......... Projection Y (0 or 1) $HINFO(id,'XBINS') .......... Number of bins in X direction $HINFO(id,'XMIN') ........... Lower histogram limit in X direction $HINFO(id,'XMAX') ........... Upper histogram limit in X direction $HINFO(id,'YBINS') .......... Number of bins in Y direction $HINFO(id,'YMIN') ........... Lower histogram limit in Y direction $HINFO(id,'YMAX') ........... Upper histogram limit in Y direction $HTITLE(id) ................. Histogram title $GRAFINFO('XZONES') ......... Number of zones in X direction $GRAFINFO('YZONES') ......... Number of zones in Y direction $GRAFINFO('NT') ............. Current Normalization Transformation number $GRAFINFO('WNXMIN') ......... Lower X limit of window in current NT $GRAFINFO('WNXMAX') ......... Upper X limit of window in current NT $GRAFINFO('WNYMIN') ......... Lower Y limit of window in current NT $GRAFINFO('WNYMAX') ......... Upper Y limit of window in current NT $GRAFINFO('VPXMIN') ......... Lower X limit of viewport in current NT $GRAFINFO('VPXMAX') ......... Upper X limit of viewport in current NT $GRAFINFO('VPYMIN') ......... Lower Y limit of viewport in current NT $GRAFINFO('VPYMAX') ......... Upper Y limit of viewport in current NT $GRAFINFO('TXALIH') ......... Horizontal text alignment $GRAFINFO('TXALIV') ......... Vertical text alignment $GRAFINFO('TXFONT') ......... Text font $GRAFINFO('TXPREC') ......... Text precision $GRAFINFO('attr') ........... HPLOT/HIGZ attributes (see HELP SET for valid names) $OPTION('option') ........... 1 if the option is on 0 otherwise (see HELP OPTION) $RGBINFO(icol,'R') .......... Weight of Red in color table $RGBINFO(icol,'G') .......... Weight of Green in color table $RGBINFO(icol,'B') .......... Weight of Blue in color table $CUT(n) ..................... Cut expression $n $CUTEXPAND(string) .......... Replace $n in the (quoted) string by $CUT(n)