Personal History

1974 Born at Uwajima City in Ehime prefecture
Graduated Sumiyoshi Elementary School, Jo-hoku Junior High School, and Uwajima East High Scool
1991 At the second grade of high school, my father (a teacher of biology) moved to the same school.
1992 My home room became next to my father's office... Oops.
1993 Entered the University of Tokyo and moved to Tokyo.
1995 Entered the Department of Physics.
1996 Joined newly created (at that time) Aihara group, by winning "Jan-ken". In retrospect, this was a big turining point in my life.
1997 Entered the guraduate school and joined Belle experiment.
1999 Assembled, tested and commissioned the Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD), wrote the Master's thesis, proceeded to Ph.D course. In the meantime, got married.
Belle expetiment started in June.
July 1999 The first SVD (v1.0) was damaged by radiation from the accelerator, after taking only 1.5 month of collision data (far less than 1 fb-1). Immediately replaced it with a spare (v1.2) during the summer shutdown.
2000 Replaced the SVD again (v1.4).
2001 Had one month long 'camp' at University twice (winter and summer) in order to make the discovery of CP violation in the B meson system. Discussion was often made to determine when is the most effective to take short sleep.
2002 Got Ph.D!
In November, unexpected vacuum leak happened at the interaction region. SVD was partially replaced (v1.6).
2003 Moved to Kyoto University as an assistant professor on Feb. 1 to work on K2K/T2K experiments.
First son, Ukyo, was born on Aug. 26, during the construction of the K2K-SciBar detector.
2004 The data taking of K2K experiment finished in November.
Gradually started R&D work for T2K.
2005 Start the discussion on SciBooNE experiment.
Disassembly of SciBar electronics and fiber.
2006 Disassemble of SciBar and shipment to FNAL.
Start staying in the US (with family) for SciBooNE experiment from Nov. 21.
2007 SciBooNE experiment started in June.
Came back to Japan in December, after establishing the stable operation of SciBooNE.
2008 Finished SciBooNE data taking in August.
Start "commuting" every week to Tokai/J-PARC from October for T2K startup.
2009 T2K commissioning started on Apr. 23, 2009.
Travel History
2005 : 40.5% absent from Kyoto
2006 : 55.9% absent from Kyoto (50.3% if exclude long stay at Fermilab from Nov. 21)
2007 : Stationed at Fermilab, with occasional trips to Japan and Europe
2008 : 48.9% absent from Kyoto
* Count departure/return day as "trip" day. Weekend/holidays included.
