







  • 日時: 毎週月曜日15:00-18:15
  • 場所: 5号館511号室
  • 教科書 Srednicki “Quantum Field Theory”
  • 担当教員:橋本,福間,杉本(前期)

Mark Srednicki


担当順 担当 内容(章)発表資料
1大澤 1 Attempts at relativistic quantum mechanics 1章
2鴛原 2 Lorentz Invariance 2章
3斎藤(一) 3 Canonical Quantization of Scalar Fields 3章
4齊藤(巧) 4 The Spin-Statistics Theorem 4章
5篠田 5 The LSZ Reduction Formula 5章
6佐々木 6 Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics 6章
7中島 7 The Path Integral for the Harmonic Oscillator 12345
8 8 The Path Integral for Free Field Theory 8章
9藤木 9 The Path Integral for Interacting Field Theory 9章
10松井 10 Scattering Amplitudes and the Feynman Rules 10章
11中村 11 Cross Sections and Decay Rates 11章
12三木 12 Dimensional Analysis with hbar = c = 1 12章
13 13 The Lehmann-Kallen Form of the Exact Propagator 13章
14溝添 14 Loop Corrections to the Propagator 14章
15大澤 15 The One-Loop Correction in Lehmann-Kallen Form 15章
16鴛原 16 Loop Corrections to the Vertex 16章
17齊藤(巧) 17 Other 1PI Vertices
18齊藤(巧) 18 Higher-Order Corrections and Renormalizability 18章
19篠田 19 Perturbation Theory to All Orders 19章
20佐々木 20 Two-Particle Elastic Scattering at One Loop 20章
21中島 21 The Quantum Action 21章
22 22 Continuous Symmetries and Conserved Currents 12345
23中村 23 Discrete Symmetries: P , T , C , and Z 23章
24松井 24 Nonabelian Symmetries 24章
25藤木 25 Unstable Particles and Resonances 25章
26三木 26 Infrared Divergences 26章
27 27 Other Renormalization Schemes 12
28溝添 28 The Renormalization Group 28章
29大澤 29 Effective field theory 29章
30鴛原 30 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 30章
31篠田 31 Broken Symmetry and Loop Corrections 31章
32齊藤(巧) 32 Spontaneous Breaking of Continuous Symmetries 32章
33中島 33 Representations of the Lorentz Group 33章
34佐々木 34 Left- and Right-Handed Spinor Fields 34章
35中村 35 Manipulating Spinor Indices 35章
36 36 Lagrangians for Spinor Fields 12
37藤木 37 Canonical Quantization of Spinor Fields I 37章
38松井 38 Spinor Technology 38章
39 39 Canonical Quantization of Spinor Fields II 39章
40三木 40 Parity, Time Reversal, and Charge Conjugation 40章
41大澤 41 LSZ Reduction for Spin-One-Half Particles 41章
42溝添 42 The Free Fermion Propagator 42章
43篠田 43 The Path Integral for Fermion Fields 43章
2023年度/理論ゼミ.1702270682.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2023/12/11 04:58 by p1