Hobby - Computer Graphics

Wallpaper (Illustrator)

"Hello World!"
blue green pink(1024x768, GIF format)

3-D computer graphics (shade)

ring ring 7.7kbytes
F16 F-16 Fighting Falcon(vol1) 52.7kbytes
F16 F-16 Fighting Falcon(vol2) 52.0kbytes
church church 65.6kbytes
car car 30.6kbytes
destroyer destroyer 71.9kbytes
battleship battleship 73.0kbytes
galley galley(ship) 56.0kbytes
biplane(1) biplane (vol.1) 70kbytes
biplane(2) biplane (vol.2) 72kbytes
watch on desk watch 54kbytes
sailship sailship 83kbytes
temple temple 36kbytes
engine engine 40kbytes
Kaon experiment Kaon experiment --kbytes

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Valid HTML 4.01! MORII Hideki
mail : moriih@scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp